
Posts Tagged ‘photobooth’

I’ve just been so tired today after the excursion to Drottningholm palace yesterday. It takes so little to exhaust me now at 22 weeks. Even though my stomach isn’t that big yet, I guess it’s the extra blood and water. I find it hard to breath and walk up steep steps. Anyway I spent most of the day as a runaway – I left my husband at home with the two year old, saying I was going to the shop to get milk. Then I spent about four hours on a bench outside the mall. Just looking at people. Well I left the bench to get lunch and do some errands, paced while talking to various friends on the phone. And then when I talked to my husband he and the little one were listening to music and dancing, and though I was out free in the world I felt like they were having the better time. The grass is just always greener were my husband is since I got pregnant. Even if he’s just having a shower I feel that he’s getting the better deal. I guess being nauseous, not being able to enjoy food or drinks, getting tired from the least adventure, makes me feel like no matter what I do he’s having a better time. Just a few months left now until December 12th.

To chear me up he’s suggested I do a stand-up course, he sent me a link for one that’s over a weekend. I might do it.

Here’s another photobooth picture of me, to continue the theme from yesterday. This is from our honeymoon on the Azores islands, between Europe and North America. Belonging to Portugal. That’s last year in October. We went on our honeymoon for our one year anniversary.


The Azores islands are a good place for a relaxed honeymoon, just looking at cows and flowers and hanging out with European pensioners. This is at the hotel pool.

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